From May 26-28, 2025,
we invite you to the Membrane Course Water Technologies.
The course will be held in a hybrid format. Participation will be possible in Aachen as well as online. The three-day course conveys the theoretical basics and various technical applications of membrane technology in lectures and exercises. In addition to understanding the physical processes, the course will also cover the design of membrane plants and their application in water treatment processes. The course enables you to roughly design and compare membrane processes with alternative processes. The visit of the laboratory and pilot plants, as well as a dinner round off the MCW and provide an opportunity for networking and scientific discussions with the participants and lecturers. The course language is English.
Membranes represent an up-coming market, especially for wastewater treatment and water production. In recent years, scientists and industry representatives from all over the world have taken the opportunity to find out about the latest developments by means of exciting presentations, practical exercises and hands-on laboratory tours at the MCW. In three intensive days speakers with great experience and reputation in the field of water and membrane technologies provide the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge. Speakers in recent years have included Prof. Matthias Wessling,
Prof. Stefan Panglisch, Prof. Thomas Wintgens, Prof. Christian Kazner and Peter Bolduan. Established technologies such as micro- and ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis will be covered as well as upcoming developments (e.g. electrodialysis) and trends such as zero liquid discharge (ZLD). Traditionally, the MCW in Aachen is rounded off by a social program. Just like the presentations, the guided tour of Aachen's old town and the joint dinner were attended by many and led to pleasant conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. We are already looking forward to the MCW 2025 to be at least as informative and enjoyable as the previous ones.